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3 simple tools to transform your presentations

If you are a speaker or you deliver presentations and updates as part of your work, I want to help you. So I’m afraid I have to start off with an uncomfortable truth: –  Your audience doesn’t really care about you or what you have to say – What?! I know, this might come as […]

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5 ways to listen better

In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, “We are losing our listening.” In this short, fascinating talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening — to other people and the world around you. Go Back

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The death of the bullet point slide

Ok, so this is more of a prophetic statement that is not quite true – yet. However, I do predict (pray!) that one day the wordy bullet point slide will become a relic of the past. But for now, all over the world, thousands of people are still brain dumping piles of bullet points on […]

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The Privileged Race

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How I beat stage fright

Humanity’s fine-tuned sense of fear served us well as a young species, giving us laser focus to avoid being eaten by competing beasts. But it’s less wonderful when that same visceral, body-hijacking sense of fear kicks in in front of 20 folk-music fans at a Tuesday night open-mic. Palms sweat, hands shake, vision blurs, and […]

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Why I live in mortal dread of public speaking

Megan Washington is one of Australia’s premier singer/songwriters. And, since childhood, she has had a stutter. In this bold and personal talk, she reveals how she copes with this speech impediment—from avoiding the letter combination “st” to tricking her brain by changing her words at the last minute to, yes, singing the things she has […]

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How great leaders inspire action

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership — starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers … Go Back

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How to speak so that people want to listen

Have you ever felt like you’re talking, but nobody is listening? Here’s Julian Treasure to help. In this useful talk, the sound expert demonstrates the how-to’s of powerful speaking — from some handy vocal exercises to tips on how to speak with empathy. A talk that might help the world sound more beautiful. Go Back

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