We deliver exceptional training that gets instant results
  • Laughton Scott helps individuals, teams and organisations find an authentic and compelling voice. We teach communication techniques and the right emotional mindsets that will help you make a greater impact on whatever you do.
    We are strategic so that our training provides multiple returns for you, not a
    single output
  • Taking a holistic approach to organisations, Laughton Scott transforms and sustains communication cultures to drive positive employee engagement, productivity, sales, reputation and client relationships.
    Laughton Scott is the only consultancy to consider communications skills a challenge and opportunity for society
  • Underpinning all we do is a simple philosophy; good communications combined with emotional intelligence can create positive social change. It has the power to dissolve barriers, build trust, foster inclusivity, and establish common ground. It creates opportunity.

While we have a large corporate client base, we believe good communication and interpersonal skills benefit all people in all ways. Communications touch upon every aspect of human life; building relationships, empowering individuals, strengthening businesses and providing voices for communities.

That is why we work with individuals, groups and organisations. That is why we work with schools and sportspeople as well as businesses.

We are passionate about education ensuring that students acquire critical skills that have a life-long and universal application while supporting a healthy talent pool for industry and society. It is also why we work with sports personalities whose influence and role modelling inspire both young people and corporate leaders.


We also know that businesses with great communications cultures have better client relationships, are more successful and are better places to work.

Our extensive experience in all of these areas continues to provide valuable insight to each other. We are always findings lessons in business that have a crossover value to sports personalities or schools and vice versa.

While communications skills can be learnt, we differ from other consultancies because we also know that newly acquired skills need to be embedded within the organisation to deliver recurring and long-term benefits. We can provide a skills audit of your organisation and provide a plan for creating a high-performing, communications culture.

Email info@laughtonscott.com to get in touch with one of our consultants

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