The art of speech writing has changed. The challenges are greater and, thanks to social media, the stakes are higher. Nail it with a killer soundbite and your wisdom goes viral, but say something silly and it’s not just the audience in the room that will judge you. Meanwhile, online speech templates make it increasingly difficult for the untutored speechwriter to be original.
It’s become harder to get it right, but great business speakers have always been rare. This is because most speakers fall into the same trap: They talk too much about what they know, creating content that is too technical, too specific and not focused on the benefits to their audience. A speaker who targets what the audience wants to hear wins their attention. And if they do it well they will be rewarded with respect for themselves and their organisation.
There is a vital truth that all speakers should never forget: the vast majority of your audience will be pushed to remember more than one thing you have said 24 hours after your speech. The good news is that social media will probably latch onto your core message – but only if it is crystal clear. We help define that message; determine the outcome the speaker wants from the audience, and to engineer the speech to meet your goal and your audience’s interest.
We have worked with professionals in very technical industries where speakers struggle to get their audiences – from their bosses to their clients – to understand the value of their ideas. We have advised companies pitching concepts in new ways, politicians looking for a better way to get their messages across, after dinner speakers wanting to create a lasting, positive impression. In every case, we have helped clients clarify what they want to say and to deliver it with the greatest impact.
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