Internal blocks are holding you back

There are 3 common internal barriers that can prevent a woman from stepping up to leadership effectively:
1. Capability : She doubts her ability to take on more senior responsibilities so avoids going for the promotion or feels shaky when she does.
2. Congruence : She fears advancing will lead to burnout, less time with family, and poor work-life balance.
3. Confidence : She struggles to showcase her big ideas during decisive meetings and command her place at the table, particularly in male-dominated settings.
Your responses reveal that several of these barriers are blocking your pathway towards leadership. You probably had a sense of this as you were answering the questions didn’t you?
Overcoming them is crucial to stop them from consuming your time and energy. Not only is managing doubt, fear and a lack of confidence exhausting but it keeps women small and slows down their career progression. Here’s the good news though: overcoming them is completely within your power.
The first step towards achieving this profound shift is to zone in on exactly what is holding you back. As you read through the 3 barriers which ring true for you? Once you can articulate the specifics you can begin to define a solution.
If through your company you’re registered to attend a women’s workshop run by Laughton Scott in the near future then you will have the opportunity to explore this further and get your questions answered.
If not you may find that unlocking this level of clarity is easier with the help of an experienced leadership coach. If you’re ready for change and want to explore how coaching could support to realise your career ambitions simply click on the button below to contact us.